Lot Essay
En 1951, Michel Hoffmann, responsable de la diffusion des Editions de Minuit se rendit à l'atelier de Giacometti dans le 14ème arrondissement pour discuter avec l'artiste de la possibilité de réaliser la jaquette du roman de Samuel Beckett, Molloy, que la maison d'édition venait de publier. Quelques semaines plus tard, Giacometti remis aux Editions de Minuit trois dessins à la plume, dont le présent lot. La réalisation de cette jaquette ne vit jamais le jour pour des raisons financières. Michel Hoffmann, ainsi que le directeur général et le responsable technique de la maison d'édition gardèrent chacun un des projets que Giacometti leur avait remis.
In 1951, Michel Hoffmann, head of distribution at Editions de Minuit, met with Giacometti in his Parisian studio to discuss the possibility of a design for the jacket of their imminent publication of Samuel Beckett's Molloy. Following this meeting, Giacometti submitted three proposals in pen and ink on paper, none of which were ultimately used, for the jacket project was cancelled due to financial problems. The three drawings were divided amongst the owner, a director and to Mr. Hoffmann, the present work.
In 1951, Michel Hoffmann, head of distribution at Editions de Minuit, met with Giacometti in his Parisian studio to discuss the possibility of a design for the jacket of their imminent publication of Samuel Beckett's Molloy. Following this meeting, Giacometti submitted three proposals in pen and ink on paper, none of which were ultimately used, for the jacket project was cancelled due to financial problems. The three drawings were divided amongst the owner, a director and to Mr. Hoffmann, the present work.