Lot Essay
Meritaten was the eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti, born sometime before year five of his reign. She was given the title Great Royal Wife, this title being left empty as Nefertiti ascended to become coregent. As Reeves comments, "Notwithstanding the daughter's tender age and the essentially functional character of the title Great Royal Wife, scholars have long suspected the relationship between Akhenaten and Meritaten to have been a sexual one, resulting in the birth of Meritaten-tasherit ("Meritaten the Younger"). Since, unlike other forms of incest, no divine precedent could convincingly be cited, it was an arrangement that must have appeared abhorrent even to contemporaries" (N. Reeves, 'The Royal Family' in R. E. Freed, Y. J. Markowitz and S. H. D'Auria (eds), Pharaohs of the Sun, Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1999, pp. 93-94).
For similar reliefs with the Amarna princesses cf. Pharaohs of the Sun (op. cit.), pp. 214-226, nos 38, 54, 69 and 72.
For similar reliefs with the Amarna princesses cf. Pharaohs of the Sun (op. cit.), pp. 214-226, nos 38, 54, 69 and 72.