BRAMAH, ERNEST. THE EYES OF MAX CARRADOS. LONDON: GRANT RICHARDS, 1923. -- THE EYES OF MAX CARADOS. NEW YORK: GEORGE H. DORAN, 1924. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. -- The Specimen Case. New York: George H. Doran, [1925]. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. -- Max Carrados Mysteries. London: Hodder and Stoughton, [1927]. -- Another copy. -- A Little Flutter. London: Cassell, [1930]. -- The Bravo of London. London: Cassell, 1934. -- Another copy. -- Max Carrados. London: Methuen, 1914. Second edition. -- The Secret of the League. London: Nelson, n.d. Reprint of the 1907 edition. Together 10 volumes, all FIRST EDITIONS, except where noted, 8o, original cloth, condition varies. (10)