Untitled [Chicago Eight], from Conspiracy: The Artist as Witness (S. 15)
Untitled [Chicago Eight], from Conspiracy: The Artist as Witness (S. 15)
screenprint in colors, 1971, on wove paper, signed and dated in pencil, numbered 26/150, co-published by David R. Godine Publishers and The Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, 1971-72, with the artist's copyright inkstamp on the reverse, with margins
S. 24 x 18 in. (610 x 457 mm.)
Untitled [Chicago Eight], from Conspiracy: The Artist as Witness (S. 15)
screenprint in colors, 1971, on wove paper, signed and dated in pencil, numbered 26/150, co-published by David R. Godine Publishers and The Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, 1971-72, with the artist's copyright inkstamp on the reverse, with margins
S. 24 x 18 in. (610 x 457 mm.)
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