Still life with a hare, mallard, pheasant, grouse, wood pigeon, kingfisher and a hunting rifle in a landscape; and Still life with a mallard, duck and game birds with a hunting rifle in a landscape
Charles Collins (Hampstead 1828-1873 London)
Still life with a hare, mallard, pheasant, grouse, wood pigeon, kingfisher and a hunting rifle in a landscape; and Still life with a mallard, duck and game birds with a hunting rifle in a landscape
the first signed and dated 'Cha.s Collins. 1738' (center left)
oil on canvas
36 x 28 in. (91.4 x 71.1 cm.), each
a pair (2)
Still life with a hare, mallard, pheasant, grouse, wood pigeon, kingfisher and a hunting rifle in a landscape; and Still life with a mallard, duck and game birds with a hunting rifle in a landscape
the first signed and dated 'Cha.s Collins. 1738' (center left)
oil on canvas
36 x 28 in. (91.4 x 71.1 cm.), each
a pair (2)
with Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, Ltd., London, where acquired by Christian B. Peper, 1973.
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