Corton Grand Cru - Clos du Roi, Cuvée Baronne du Baÿ
Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper
Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
Dated winter, twelfth month, gengchen year (1940)
Dedicated to Zhongxi
20th Century
Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper
Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
Dated winter, twelfth month, gengchen year (1940)
Dedicated to Zhongxi
20th Century
Lot 143, 11 May 1993, Sale of Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, Rong Bao Zhai (H.K.) Company Limited and Associated Fine Arts Auctioneers Limited, Hong Kong.
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Prospective buyers should be aware that the importation of Rolex watches into the United States is highly restricted. Rolex watches may not be shipped into the USA and can only be imported personally. Generally a buyer may import only one watch into the USA. For further information please contact our specialists in charge of the sale. Please note other countries may have comparable import restrictions for luxury watches.
Brought to you by
Frederic Watrelot