Lot Essay
« Nous nous sommes beaucoup appuyés sur la peinture historique, que nous avons convertie en pop. Pour nous, le Museo del Prado représentait la plus haute expression de la culture populaire. Son contenu est devenu notre principale source d’inspiration et, grâce à notre langage pop, nous avons transformé des peintures légendaires appartenant à la tradition espagnole - Goya, Velázquez - en reproductions grand public. Transformer la haute culture en culture de masse s’est révélé un exercice esthétique remarquable. »
“We relied heavily on historical painting, which we converted into pop. For us the Museo del Prado represented the utmost expression of popular culture. Its contents became our main source of inspiration and through our pop language we transformed legendary paintings belonging to the Spanish tradition – Goya, Velázquez – into prints for wide distribution. Turning high culture into mass culture proved to be a strong aesthetic exercise.”
Manolo Valdes
“We relied heavily on historical painting, which we converted into pop. For us the Museo del Prado represented the utmost expression of popular culture. Its contents became our main source of inspiration and through our pop language we transformed legendary paintings belonging to the Spanish tradition – Goya, Velázquez – into prints for wide distribution. Turning high culture into mass culture proved to be a strong aesthetic exercise.”
Manolo Valdes