Jaipur 1904 Issue
essay Proof Block Larger Than four ½a. rouletted plate proof in grey-black in an unissued design with no lines under chariot, adjoining blocks of six, eight and a single from a sheet of twenty-four with stamps printed 3mm. apart and with frame lines ½mm. from stamps and not crossing over at corners. A unique group. Photo for block of six

essay Proof Block Larger Than four ½a. rouletted plate proof in grey-black in an unissued design with no lines under chariot, adjoining blocks of six, eight and a single from a sheet of twenty-four with stamps printed 3mm. apart and with frame lines ½mm. from stamps and not crossing over at corners. A unique group. Photo for block of six
L.E. Dawson (1967) for the block of six