Lot Essay
Architecte lillois, Verly remporte le second Prix d’architecture en 1784. Il exercera sa profession hors de France, notamment aux Pays-Bas pour une clientèle privée et pour certains commanditaires publics. Architecte visionnaire mais pragmatique, il diffusera en tant que professeur en Belgique des idéaux révolutionnaires en matière d’architecture publique. Le présent dessin et le lot précédent sont sans doute des oeuvres de fantaisie.
An architect from Lille, Verly won the second Prix d’architecture in 1784. He practiced his profession outside France, particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands for a private clientèle. He was visionary but pragmatic, and as a teacher in Belgium he spread revolutionary ideas on public architecture. The present drawing and the preceding lot are without doubt works of fantasy.
An architect from Lille, Verly won the second Prix d’architecture in 1784. He practiced his profession outside France, particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands for a private clientèle. He was visionary but pragmatic, and as a teacher in Belgium he spread revolutionary ideas on public architecture. The present drawing and the preceding lot are without doubt works of fantasy.