Lot Essay
« Pas de pinceaux, de peinture, et pourtant ses tissus, intelligemment agencés, devenaient des signes qui, manipulés, pensés par lui, paraissaient retrouver par des détours, plus complexes qu’il n’y paraissait au premier regard, toute une tradition picturale ».
"No brushes, no paint ‒ and yet his fabrics, intelligently arranged, became signs that, as manipulated and conceived by him, seemed to connect with an entire pictorial tradition, through twists and turns more complex than they appear at first glance."
Anne Tronche
"No brushes, no paint ‒ and yet his fabrics, intelligently arranged, became signs that, as manipulated and conceived by him, seemed to connect with an entire pictorial tradition, through twists and turns more complex than they appear at first glance."
Anne Tronche