Ghent-Bruges artist
Ghent-Bruges artist
Ghent-Bruges artist
Ghent-Bruges artist
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Ghent-Bruges artist

The Visitation, southern Netherlands, c.1500

Ghent-Bruges artist
The Visitation, southern Netherlands, c.1500
THE VISITATION, miniature on a leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript on vellum [southern Netherlands, perhaps Ghent, c.1500]

A miniature from a Ghent-Bruges Book of Hours with typical flower-strewn scatter borders.

Two leaves, each 171 x 130mm. The miniature on the verso of an inserted singleton, recto blank, with the facing text leaf opening Lauds in the Office of the Virgin, 18 lines on recto and verso, ruled space: 115 x 76mm (slightly cockled). Mount. Provenance: Alexander E. Vida, by descent.

The borders of the miniature and its facing text leaf, which feature scrolling acanthus with white highlighting – perhaps meant to emulate gilt – alternating with scattered flowers, strawberries, insects and an angel against a dark ground, are of a type popularised by the Madrid Hours of William Lord Hastings and certain of the ‘Ghent Associates’ manuscripts grouped by Anne van Buren, painted in the city between 1470 and 1490.

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Emily Pilling
Emily Pilling

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