Lot Essay
A letter attached to the backboard of the present drawing written by John Bedingfeld, dated 1821, records the provenance of this drawing: 'This is the Picture of/Prince Charles Edward, who/landed in Scotland in 1745./It is the performance of his/private Secretary. It belonged/to Lord Vist Montague of Cowdray/near Midhurst which many/years ago, destroyed that/...mansion./Many persons have stated that/...is a likeness/in some pictures & prints, of His late Majesty, taken in/early life/John Bedingfeld/Navy Pay Office/21 Decbr 1821'. He was the son of Sir Henry Arundell Bedingfeld (d. 1760) of Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk, and Elizabeth Boyle, eldest daughter of Charles Boyle, 3rd Earl of Cork and 2nd Earl of Burlington.
A letter from Edward Croft-Murray, who later became Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, (attached to the backboard of the present drawing and dated 21 September 1937) refers the then owner to a comparable pen and ink drawing exhibited at the Exhibition of Art Treasures of the Midlands held at Birmingham in 1934 loaned by Sir Robert Throckmorton of Coughton, Warwickshire.
This drawing is close to another pen and ink drawing by Hussey in the collection of the Duke of Atholl at Blair Castle. For a drawing by Hussey of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in red chalk and further information on other versions of this portrait see lot 107.
A letter from Edward Croft-Murray, who later became Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, (attached to the backboard of the present drawing and dated 21 September 1937) refers the then owner to a comparable pen and ink drawing exhibited at the Exhibition of Art Treasures of the Midlands held at Birmingham in 1934 loaned by Sir Robert Throckmorton of Coughton, Warwickshire.
This drawing is close to another pen and ink drawing by Hussey in the collection of the Duke of Atholl at Blair Castle. For a drawing by Hussey of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in red chalk and further information on other versions of this portrait see lot 107.