Lot Essay
Das Gemälde Capolago, sole entstand um 1906/07. Die Familie Giacometti verbrachte ab 1901 regelmässig die Sommermonate in Maloja, bis sie 1909 in ein Haus in Capolago bei Maloja umsiedelte. Das Motiv der Häuserreihe des Dorfes am Silsersee, mit den Wasserspiegelungen seiner Architektur und Vegetation, ist in vier bekannten Gemälden festgehalten. Giacometti wählte für zwei ein Hochformat, das den Lichtspielen auf der Wasseroberfläche im Bildvordergrund genügend Platz einräumt. Unser Werk war lange Zeit als Leihgabe im Bündner Kunstmuseum in Chur aufbewahrt, während der Verbleib des zweiten Hochformats unbekannt ist.
The painting Capolago, sole was painted circa 1906/07. From 1901 the Giacometti family regularly spent the summer months in Maloja, until they moved in 1909 to a house in Capolago near Maloja. The motif of the row of houses in the village at Lake Silser, with the architecture and vegetation reflected in the water, is captured in four known paintings. Giacometti chose for two of these a vertical format, which allows enough room for the play of light on the surface of the water in the foreground. The present work was kept as a long-term loan at the Bündner Kunstmuseum in Chur, while the whereabouts of the second vertical format work is unknown.
The painting Capolago, sole was painted circa 1906/07. From 1901 the Giacometti family regularly spent the summer months in Maloja, until they moved in 1909 to a house in Capolago near Maloja. The motif of the row of houses in the village at Lake Silser, with the architecture and vegetation reflected in the water, is captured in four known paintings. Giacometti chose for two of these a vertical format, which allows enough room for the play of light on the surface of the water in the foreground. The present work was kept as a long-term loan at the Bündner Kunstmuseum in Chur, while the whereabouts of the second vertical format work is unknown.