Hans Bollongier (Haarlem c.1598/1602-1672/75)
Hans Bollongier (Haarlem c.1598/1602-1672/75)

The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter

Hans Bollongier (Haarlem c.1598/1602-1672/75)
The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter
signed with monogram and dated 'HB. 1645' (lower centre)
oil on panel
56 x 74 cm.

Brought to you by

Nikky Zwitserlood
Nikky Zwitserlood

Lot Essay

The present lot is a hitherto unknown and newly discovered work by Hans Bollongier. Whereas other genre and history paintings attributed to Hans, are most probably the work of his younger brother Horatio, the present lot is an addition to the oeuvre of Hans.
The monogram is unmistakenly that of the painter who is best known for his beautiful flower still lifes, furthermore the date supports an attribution to Hans since Horatio seemed to have abandoned painting some time in the 1630's (see: A. van der Willigen, F.G. Meijer, A Dictionary of Dutch and Flemish Still-life Painters working in Oils, 1525-1725, Leiden, 2003, p. 41).
Hans was known to have always worked on panel and he rarely neglected dating his paintings. His talent for depicting figures is apparant in his fully signed drawing of a Sater, now in the Courtauld Institute.

We are grateful to Fred Meijer of the RKD, The Hague, for his help in identifying the artist (written communication, 24 October 2012).

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