M. Tinti, Lorenzo Bartolini, Rome, 1936, I, pp. 81-82 (where incorrectly dated 1820-1824), fig. 17.
H. Naef, 'Ingres als Portraitist in Elternhause Bartolinis', Paragone, VII:53 (November 1956), pp. 31-8, fig. 2.
H. Naef, 'L'Ingrisme dans le monde', Bulletin du Musée Ingres, 30 (December 1971), p. 25.
M. Delpierre, 'Ingres et la mode de son temps', in Actes du Colloque International: Ingres et le néo-classicisme (Bulletin spécial des Amis du Musée Ingres), October 1975, pp. 154-56, note 36, fig. 14.
P. Hattis, Four Centuries of French Drawings in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, 1977, p. 267, under no. 240.
H. Naef, Die Bildniszeichnungen von J.-A.-D. Ingres, Bern, 1977, I, pp. 145, 148, 150, pl. 4; IV, pp. 70-71, no. 37.
D. Ternois, Ingres, Milan, 1980, p. 26.
J. Foucart, 'L'Ingrisme en France et dans le monde en 1981 et 1982', Bulletin du Musée Ingres, nos. 49-50 (December 1982), p. 96.
R.F. Johnson and J.R. Goldyne (eds.), Master Drawings from the Achenbach Foundation for the Graphic Arts, exhib. cat., San Francisco, Palace of the Legion of Honor, 1985, pp. 138, 225, under no. 61, note 2.
U. Fleckner, Abbild und Abstraktion: Die Kunst des Porträts im Werk von Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Mainz, 1995, pp. 113-4, note 34, fig. 36.
P. Rylands (ed.), The Timeless Eye: Master Drawings from the Jan and Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski Collection, exhib. cat., Berlin, Staatliche Museen, and elsewhere, 1999-2002, p. 170, under no. 78.
S. Campbell, Collector Without Walls: Norton Simon and His Hunt for the Best, New Haven and London, 2010, p. 263, under no. 149.
Zurich, Kunsthaus, Rome vue par Ingres, 1958, no. B1-a.
Berkeley, University of California Art Museum, Master Drawings from California Collections, 1968, no. 10.
New York, Wildenstein, Consulat, Empire, Restauration: Art in Early XIX Century France, April-May 1982, p. 112, unnumbered.
New York, Jan Krugier Gallery, The Presence of Ingres: Important Works by Ingres, Chassériau, Degas, Picasso, Matisse and Balthus, 1988, no. 17.