Lot Essay
Ce portrait nous montre l'extraordinaire capacité d'Augustin, miniaturiste de formation, à rendre les détails des caractéristiques faciales du modèle sur une échelle plus grande. En estompant les craies délicatement appliquées, en soulignant les contours au moyen de lignes nettes et en utilisant des touches de blanc au niveau du nez et des yeux, ce portrait atteint un réalisme exceptionnel. Selon le catalogue de 1984, le dessin a été signé sur l'ancien montage et l'homme assis identifié comme 'M. Perignon', peut-être un miniaturiste de ce nom ; mais ce montage n'a malheureusement pas subsisté. En ce qui concerne son style, son exécution et ses dimensions, ce dessin est très proche du portrait d'homme non identifé, daté de 1797, vendu chez Sotheby's, Londres, le 16 octobre 1963, lot 500.
This portrait shows the extraordinary capability of Augustin, who is primarly known as a miniaturist, of rendering a sitter's facial features with the greatest detail on a larger scale. By smudging the delicately applied chalks, emphasising contours with sharp lines and using touches of white and using touches of white in the nose and eyes, this portrait has gained an unusual realism. According to the 1984 catalogue (see Provenance) , the drawing was signed on the old mount and the sitter was identified as Mr 'Perignon' possibly a fellow miniaturist of that name; but these labels have unfortunately not survived. The drawing is very close in style, execution and size to a signed portrait dated 1797 of an unidentified man, sold at Sotheby's, London, 16 October 1963, lot 500.
This portrait shows the extraordinary capability of Augustin, who is primarly known as a miniaturist, of rendering a sitter's facial features with the greatest detail on a larger scale. By smudging the delicately applied chalks, emphasising contours with sharp lines and using touches of white and using touches of white in the nose and eyes, this portrait has gained an unusual realism. According to the 1984 catalogue (see Provenance) , the drawing was signed on the old mount and the sitter was identified as Mr 'Perignon' possibly a fellow miniaturist of that name; but these labels have unfortunately not survived. The drawing is very close in style, execution and size to a signed portrait dated 1797 of an unidentified man, sold at Sotheby's, London, 16 October 1963, lot 500.