Untitled (Yellow #343)
Jorge Pardo (b. 1963)
Untitled (Yellow #343)
a single painted steel chandelier with wax candles
56 x 24 x 24 in. (142.3 x 61 x 61 cm.)
Executed in 1998.
Untitled (Yellow #343)
a single painted steel chandelier with wax candles
56 x 24 x 24 in. (142.3 x 61 x 61 cm.)
Executed in 1998.
Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
P. Antonelli, Jorge Pardo: The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Pennslyvania 1991, p.14 (illustrated).
J. Schafaff and B. Steiner, Jorge Pardo, Germany 2000, p.127 (illustrated).
J. Schafaff and B. Steiner, Jorge Pardo, Germany 2000, p.127 (illustrated).
Los Angeles, Brent Petersen Gallery, Richard Hawkins/Jorge Pardo, 1998.
New York, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Jorge Pardo, May-June 1998.
New York, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Jorge Pardo, May-June 1998.