Shin Ohashi (New Ohashi Bridge), from the series Tokyo nijukkei (Twenty views of Tokyo)
Kawase Hasui (1883-1957)
Shin Ohashi (New Ohashi Bridge), from the series Tokyo nijukkei (Twenty views of Tokyo)
Woodcut, 1926, signed Hasui and sealed Kawase, published by Watanabe Shozaburo, first impression--very good impression and color, pin hole
oban tate-e: 38.5 x 26cm.
Shin Ohashi (New Ohashi Bridge), from the series Tokyo nijukkei (Twenty views of Tokyo)
Woodcut, 1926, signed Hasui and sealed Kawase, published by Watanabe Shozaburo, first impression--very good impression and color, pin hole
oban tate-e: 38.5 x 26cm.