Lesney Matchbox:

Lesney Matchbox:
1-75 Series including two A3 Lock-Up Garages, one white and two orange 41 Ford GT Sports Cars, light grey and red Bedford TK 7 1/2 Ton Tipper, Tippax Refuse Collector, A5 Home Stores Shop, silver 34 Volkswagen Camper; Yesteryear 1st issues including two Leyland 'Jacob & Co' Vans, three 'E' Class Tramcars, one red and one maroon Showmans Engines, B-Type bus, two Horse-Drawn Buses and two Sentinel Steam Wagons, 2nd issues including two silver Sunbeam Motorcycles, and one Kent Fire Brigade and one London Fire Brigade Horse-Drawn Fire Engines; later issues, miniature Coronation Coach and K80 'Its Only Rock n Roll' Dodge Custom Van, in original box; and Crescent Coronation Coach (F-E, two retouched, one Y4 lacks one fireman, box F) (115)

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