A 10% Goods and Services tax (G.S.T) will be charg…
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LIONEL ROSE BOXING ROBE, ivory satin with green satin trimmimg around collar and full-length of opening, similarly pockets and cuffs, zips along inside sleeves to accomodate gloves, back embroidered in green silk 'Australia' with outline map of Australia enclosing initials 'L.R.'. in script, Smartex label
The robe had been personally authenticated by Lionel Rose who says he used it 'for a lot of fights'. See illustration
LIONEL ROSE BOXING ROBE, ivory satin with green satin trimmimg around collar and full-length of opening, similarly pockets and cuffs, zips along inside sleeves to accomodate gloves, back embroidered in green silk 'Australia' with outline map of Australia enclosing initials 'L.R.'. in script, Smartex label
The robe had been personally authenticated by Lionel Rose who says he used it 'for a lot of fights'. See illustration
Special notice
A 10% Goods and Services tax (G.S.T) will be charged on the Buyer's Premium on all lots in this sale.
Lot Essay
All contemporary illustrations in this secton have been reproduced from Jack Rennie's personal scrap albums. Christies gratefully acknoeledges his assistance.