Lot Essay
In 1994 Piccinini created LUMP (Lifeform with Unevolved Mutant Properties), who appeared in both digital photographs and installations. A simultaneously ridiculous and unnerving simulation of a creature purpose-bred from biotechnology to suit the demands of the marketplace, LUMP re-appeared in digital prints from 1996 under the 'Biosphere project', as the doll-like possession of actor Sophie Lee.
In both psychogeography and its companion piece psychotourism, there appears to be the threat of removal, for Lee holds LUMP possessively and her hand gesture in psychogeography appears to be a warning to an unseen menace not to come any closer. Situated in a semi-surreal landscape, that Piccinini has stated owes as much to the sublime vistas depicted by the 19th century artist Eugene von Guerard as it does to computer generated graphics, in both works Lee stands on the edge of a precipice. Serving as a metaphor for the future of genetic engineering, she is backed into both a topographical and ethical corner. Her dilemma appears to be resolved however, for it appears that Lee would choose to jump into the abyss, taking LUMP with her, rather than give up her creation.
In both psychogeography and its companion piece psychotourism, there appears to be the threat of removal, for Lee holds LUMP possessively and her hand gesture in psychogeography appears to be a warning to an unseen menace not to come any closer. Situated in a semi-surreal landscape, that Piccinini has stated owes as much to the sublime vistas depicted by the 19th century artist Eugene von Guerard as it does to computer generated graphics, in both works Lee stands on the edge of a precipice. Serving as a metaphor for the future of genetic engineering, she is backed into both a topographical and ethical corner. Her dilemma appears to be resolved however, for it appears that Lee would choose to jump into the abyss, taking LUMP with her, rather than give up her creation.