SHANE GOULD 1973-74, collection of manusript notes, to swim or not to swim, that is the problem, 3 pages; I don't see why so much fuss is made over me, one page; Synopsis for an intended book, 6 pages; Australian swimming and some contrasts between Australia and USA, 5 pages

Although the notes are somewhat sparse they clearly and succinctly outline the dilemma Gould faced. The methodology of her notes reveal an inner maturity which enabled the 15 year old Gould to come to terms with her decision to retire from swimming competitively. 'If I stop' includes a 7-point schedule for securing sponsorship contracts and speaking engagements, see illustration
A 10% Goods and Services tax (G.S.T) will be charg… Read more
SHANE GOULD 1973-74, collection of manusript notes, to swim or not to swim, that is the problem, 3 pages; I don't see why so much fuss is made over me, one page; Synopsis for an intended book, 6 pages; Australian swimming and some contrasts between Australia and USA, 5 pages Although the notes are somewhat sparse they clearly and succinctly outline the dilemma Gould faced. The methodology of her notes reveal an inner maturity which enabled the 15 year old Gould to come to terms with her decision to retire from swimming competitively. 'If I stop' includes a 7-point schedule for securing sponsorship contracts and speaking engagements, see illustration

SHANE GOULD 1973-74, collection of manusript notes, to swim or not to swim, that is the problem, 3 pages; I don't see why so much fuss is made over me, one page; Synopsis for an intended book, 6 pages; Australian swimming and some contrasts between Australia and USA, 5 pages

Although the notes are somewhat sparse they clearly and succinctly outline the dilemma Gould faced. The methodology of her notes reveal an inner maturity which enabled the 15 year old Gould to come to terms with her decision to retire from swimming competitively. 'If I stop' includes a 7-point schedule for securing sponsorship contracts and speaking engagements, see illustration
Special notice
A 10% Goods and Services tax (G.S.T) will be charged on the Buyer's Premium on all lots in this sale.


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