Types of the Russian Army 1815
Types of the Russian Army 1815

Types of the Russian Army 1815

Three aquatints, 9in. x 12in. and slightly smaller, entitled Armes des Souverains Allis, anne 1814; the first (No 1 in the Series), of Officiers de L'Arme Russe, depicting five officers (a General, a Cossack, a Dragoon and two Infantry officers, one in Full Dress, the other en neglig); the second (No 2 in the Series) illustrating five Soldats de L'Arme Russe (three Grenadiers and a Drummer in Full Dress and an infantry-man en neglig), the third (No 10 of the Series) entitled Militaires Russes, showing an officer of Hussars, an officer au Bivouac, a Prtre Grec Aumonier, a Cosaque Irregulier Maraudeur and a Domestique Russe suivant L'Arme, all three inscribed A Paris chez Martinet, Libraire, Rue du Coq No15; together with a photocopy of an invoice indicating that these prints were purchased from the Nureyev Collection in January 1995.

See illustration of one item overleaf