Ueno sannai, tsuki no matsu ("Moon-Pine," Ueno Temple precincts), from the series Meisho Edo hyakkei (One hundred views of famous places of Edo)
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)
Ueno sannai, tsuki no matsu ("Moon-Pine," Ueno Temple precincts), from the series Meisho Edo hyakkei (One hundred views of famous places of Edo)
Signed Hiroshige ga and published by Uoya Eikichi--very good impression, color, left margin trimmed, collector's seal on verso
oban tate-e: 36.4 x 23.8cm.
Ueno sannai, tsuki no matsu ("Moon-Pine," Ueno Temple precincts), from the series Meisho Edo hyakkei (One hundred views of famous places of Edo)
Signed Hiroshige ga and published by Uoya Eikichi--very good impression, color, left margin trimmed, collector's seal on verso
oban tate-e: 36.4 x 23.8cm.