Lot Essay
Gut erhaltenes, meisterhaftes Aquarell des Genfer Malers. Eine Waldlandschaft mit unzähligen, in freier Natur beobachteten Details (Gräser, Blätter, Moose, Stämme und Äste) sind ohne übermässige Akribie wiedergegeben und betten das eigentliche Sujet des Mädchens am Brunnen geradezu ein.
A well-conserved and expertly executed watercolour by the Genevan painter. A forest landscape with a multitude of details of nature (grasses, leaves, moss, trunks and branches) are rendered without excessive meticulousness and provide the setting for the actual subject of a girl at a stream.
A well-conserved and expertly executed watercolour by the Genevan painter. A forest landscape with a multitude of details of nature (grasses, leaves, moss, trunks and branches) are rendered without excessive meticulousness and provide the setting for the actual subject of a girl at a stream.