Christie's Auction Results Print
The following prices in BRITISH POUNDS include the buyer's premium and are rounded to the nearest british pound. Lots which did not sell are not shown.

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SALE # 21004
SALE TITLE The Isabel Goldsmith Collection: Selected Pre-Raphaelite and Symbolist Art
SALE DATE Jun 30, 2022 - Jul 14, 2022
SALE TOTAL 1,526,868
1 6,930
3 13,860
4 63,000
7 7,560
8 126,000
10 6,300
11 8,820
12 18,900
14 44,100
15 10,080
16 75,600
17 13,860
18 47,880
19 10,080
20 9,450
21 2,268
22 5,040
23 352,800
24 75,600
25 21,420
26 21,420
30 882
33 9,450
34 4,788
35 13,860
36 4,032
37 3,024
39 17,640
40 88,200
43 6,930
44 9,450
45 5,670
47 2,772
48 2,520
49 8,190
50 10,710
51 2,394
52 50,400
53 7,560
55 12,600
56 5,292
57 9,450
58 5,040
59 2,772
60 9,450
61 5,040
62 2,016
63 1,638
64 10,080
67 6,930
68 138,600
69 10,080
70 8,190
71 5,040
72 2,520
74 3,024
75 6,930
76 2,394
77 4,410
78 13,860
79 3,528
80 16,380
82 2,142
83 8,190
84 27,720
85 6,300
86 3,024
87 4,788