Christie's Auction Results Print
The following prices in BRITISH POUNDS include the buyer's premium and are rounded to the nearest british pound. Lots which did not sell are not shown.

Christie's is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
SALE # 22758
SALE TITLE Works of Art from the Mougins Museum of Classical Art Online
SALE DATE Nov 26, 2024 - Dec 10, 2024
SALE TOTAL 1,075,914
101 9,450
102 2,016
103 88,200
104 37,800
105 27,720
106 5,040
107 5,670
108 10,080
109 52,920
110 30,240
111 17,640
112 20,160
113 10,710
114 4,788
115 882
116 5,670
117 12,600
118 25,200
119 4,788
120 630
122 1,890
123 10,710
125 3,024
126 6,300
127 1,890
128 12,600
129 5,292
130 4,032
131 2,520
132 504
133 40,320
135 5,292
136 10,080
137 10,080
138 756
139 504
140 3,276
141 11,970
143 3,024
144 9,450
145 2,772
146 11,340
147 10,710
148 4,410
149 5,040
150 37,800
151 7,560
152 630
153 18,900
154 13,860
155 2,268
156 5,670
157 15,120
158 6,048
159 6,300
160 15,120
161 12,600
162 7,560
163 1,260
164 8,820
165 3,024
166 4,788
167 7,560
168 4,032
169 13,860
170 5,670
171 4,788
172 12,600
173 16,380
174 5,292
175 18,900
176 1,764
177 21,420
178 7,560
179 10,710
180 4,410
181 6,930
182 4,032
183 8,820
184 17,640
185 1,764
186 2,772
187 2,142
188 882
189 6,930
190 1,386
191 756
193 4,410
194 8,820
195 8,190
196 4,032
197 4,410
198 2,142
199 9,450
200 5,040
201 504
202 3,276
203 18,900
204 504
205 8,820
206 16,380
207 4,032
208 3,276
209 5,670
210 2,142
211 4,788
212 3,276
213 4,032
214 2,394
215 4,032
216 8,820
217 630
218 2,394
219 1,386
220 1,134
221 756
222 1,134
223 1,512
224 252
225 1,764
226 5,670
227 1,638
228 3,024
229 1,890
230 4,032
231 378
232 3,528
233 1,134