Christie's Auction Results Print
The following prices in U.S. DOLLARS include the buyer's premium and are rounded to the nearest u.s. dollar. Lots which did not sell are not shown.

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SALE # 22488
SALE TITLE The Collection of Sir Elton John: Elton's Versace
SALE DATE Feb 09, 2024 - Feb 27, 2024
SALE TOTAL 574,938
501 2,142
502 9,450
503 3,780
504 9,450
505 30,240
506 13,860
507 17,640
508 11,340
509 3,780
510 40,320
511 9,450
512 4,410
513 4,788
514 2,772
515 4,788
516 4,410
517 6,048
518 10,080
519 13,860
520 8,190
521 5,292
522 4,032
523 5,040
524 3,780
525 4,410
526 5,292
527 12,600
528 5,292
529 8,190
530 9,450
531 5,670
532 4,032
533 3,276
534 8,190
535 9,450
536 5,292
537 5,670
538 5,670
539 1,890
540 4,410
541 8,820
542 6,048
543 2,520
544 20,160
545 2,772
546 5,670
547 3,276
548 3,528
549 4,410
550 8,190
551 20,160
552 7,560
553 13,860
554 8,190
555 2,268
556 2,520
557 15,120
558 4,410
559 3,780
560 4,788
561 3,528
562 5,292
563 3,528
564 5,040
565 10,080
566 17,640
567 20,160
568 6,930
569 4,788
570 6,048
571 3,528
572 7,560
573 5,040