HELMUT NEWTON (1920-2004)
A unique and extensive portfolio, described by Helmut Newton as 'a "one off" photo album', that constitutes a wide survey of his career and includes many of his most celebrated and important images.
HELMUT NEWTON (1920-2004)

Helmut Newton Portfolio, 1999

HELMUT NEWTON (1920-2004)
Helmut Newton Portfolio, 1999
102 images comprising 8 unique Polaroid prints, 15 chromogenic prints, and 79 gelatin silver prints, each individually mounted on pale green card stock 13¾ x 10½in. (34.9 x 26.7 cm.); each titled and dated in pencil (on the mount)
varying sizes from 11¼ x 7½in. (28.5 x 19cm.) to 3 5/8 x 5½in. (9 x 13.8cm.); ; with cover sheet (illustrated opposite) explaining the portfolio, signed and dated 'Miami 14-12-99', contained within 3 black carrying cases, metal trim, locks and keys
From the artist to Gert Elfering;
acquired 2001.
This portfolio of one hundred and two images was constituted by Newton for collector Gert Elfering. Although, as his manuscript note confirms, the photographer had reserved the possibility to create a second set - 'There will be one only A.P. which will go into the Foundation-Museum wherever this will be.' - the second set was never created, and so this is a truly unique collection. Indeed, it would not have been possible anyway to precisely replicate since it includes a number of Polaroids - by definition unique - as well as unrepeatable vintage colour work from the photographer's archive.

The exceptional character of this collection is further enhanced by the presentation, which makes the photographer's manuscript captions - normally relegated to the verso of the prints - an immediately visible and therefore integral element to each individual item.

A full schedule of subjects, image dimensions and processes is available on request.