Nu couché
Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920)
Nu couché
signed ‘modigliani’ (upper right)
oil on canvas
23 5/8 x 36 ¼ in. (59.9 x 92 cm.)
Painted in 1917-1918
Nu couché
signed ‘modigliani’ (upper right)
oil on canvas
23 5/8 x 36 ¼ in. (59.9 x 92 cm.)
Painted in 1917-1918
Léopold Zborowski, Paris.
Jonas Netter, Paris.
Riccardo and Cesarina Gualino, Turin (acquired in Paris, 2 October 1928).
Società Anonima Finanziaria, Zaccaria Pisa, Milan; collection sale, Galleria Pesaro, Milan, 5-8 February 1934, lot 185.
Pietro Feroldi, Brescia (by 1935).
Gianni Mattioli, Milan (acquired from the above, 1949), and thence by descent to the previous owner, 1977.
By descent to the present owners, Switzerland, 1987.
Jonas Netter, Paris.
Riccardo and Cesarina Gualino, Turin (acquired in Paris, 2 October 1928).
Società Anonima Finanziaria, Zaccaria Pisa, Milan; collection sale, Galleria Pesaro, Milan, 5-8 February 1934, lot 185.
Pietro Feroldi, Brescia (by 1935).
Gianni Mattioli, Milan (acquired from the above, 1949), and thence by descent to the previous owner, 1977.
By descent to the present owners, Switzerland, 1987.
As an image, Nu couché has been published so extensively and in such a wide range of publications that we thought it wise to limit the below list to the most relevant technical bibliography.
G. da Verona, Azyadèh, la donna pallida, Florence, 1928.
A. Pfannstiel, L’Art et la vie: Modigliani, Paris, 1929, p. 25/IV.
G. Chessa, “Per Amedeo Modigliani” in L’Arte, vol. XXXIII, no. 1, Turin, January 1930, p. 40 (illustrated, fig. 6).
G. da Verona, I promessi sposi, Milan, 1930.
L. Venturi, “The Collection of Modern Art of Signor Gualino and the Modigliani Room at the Venice Biennial Exhibition” in Formes, no. 7, July 1930 (illustrated opposite p. 9; titled Nude).
M. Guerrisi, La nuova pittura: Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Derain, De Chirico, Modigliani, Turin, 1932 (illustrated, pl. 17; titled Nudo).
G. Scheiwiller, Amedeo Modigliani, Milan, 1935 (illustrated in color; titled Nudo).
R. Huyghe, French Painting: The Contemporaries, New York, 1939 (illustrated, pl. 63; titled Nude on Divan).
P. Piovene, La raccolta Feroldi, Milan, 1942 (illustrated in color, pl. 43; titled Nudo).
Amedeo Modigliani, Jules Pascin, Chaïm Soutine, Tel Aviv, 1944 (illustrated, pl. 7; titled Nude).
C. Carrà, Artisti Moderni: con una lettra di Massimo Bontempelli, Florence, 1944, pp. 86-88.
R. Franchi, Modigliani, Florence, 1944, p. 52 (illustrated in color, pl. XXX; titled Nudo rosso).
R. Carrieri, 12 opere di Amedeo Modigliani, Milan, 1947 (illustrated in color, pl. 8; titled Nudo).
H.F. Kraus, ed., Modern Italian Painters: Campigli, Carra, Sironi, De Chirico, Modigliani, Garbari, Guidi, Marussig, De Pisis, Morandi, Englewood, New Jersey, 1947 (illustrated in color, pl. 5).
P. Piovene, La raccolta Feroldi, 2nd edition, Milan, 1947 (illustrated in color, pl. 17; titled Nudo rosso).
G. da Verona, Le canzoni di sempre e di mai di ieri e di domani, Milan, 1947.
L. Venturi, Pittura contemporanea, Milan, 1948, p. 68 (illustrated, pl. 153; dated 1918 and titled Nudo di donna).
U. Apollonio, “Amedeo Modigliani” in Cahiers d'art: Un demi-siècle d'art italien, vol. 25, no. 1, Paris, 1950 (illustrated, p. 167).
R. Carrieri, Pittura scultura d'avanguardia in Italia, Milan, 1950 (illustrated, p. 93, pl. 104; titled Nudo).
D. Cogniat, Orientations de la peinture française de David à Picasso, Nice, 1950 (illustrated, pl. 131; titled Nu).
G. Marchiori, Modigliani: Sei tavole a colori, Milan, 1950 (illustrated in color; titled Nudo).
G. Scheiwiller, Amedeo Modigliani, Milan, 1950 (illustrated, pl. 9; dated 1917 and titled Nudo).
M. Cinotti, La Femme nue par les peintres, Paris, 1951 (illustrated, pl. 43; illustrated on the cover; titled Nu au divan).
P. Descargues, Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1951 (illustrated, pl. 4; titled Nu au divan).
J. Lipchitz, Amedeo Modigliani, New York, 1952 (illustrated in color, p. 15; titled Nude on a Cushion).
M. Valsecchi, 24 dipinti in una raccolta d’arte moderna, Milan, 1952 (illustrated in color, pl. 8; titled Nudo).
R. Benet, Simbolismo, Barcelona, 1953 (illustrated, pl. 227; titled Desnudo rojo).
F. Carco, L'ami des peintres, Paris, 1953 (illustrated; titled Nu).
G. Jedlicka, Modigliani, Zürich, 1953 (illustrated in color, pl. 32).
J. Lipchitz, Modigliani, New York, 1953 (illustrated in color, pl. 10; titled Nude on a Cushion).
P. D’Ancona, Modigliani, Chagall, Soutine, Pascin: Some Aspects of Expressionism, Milan, 1954 (illustrated in color, p. 11; titled Nude).
P. Descargues, Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1954 (illustrated, pls. 4 and 54-55; dated 1917 and titled Nu au divan).
J. Lipchitz, Amedeo Modigliani, New York, 1954 (illustrated in color, pls. 33-34; titled Nude on a Cushion).
G. Castelfranco and M. Valsecchi, Pittura e scultura italiane dal 1910 al 1930, Rome, 1956, p. 96 (illustrated, pl. XCVIII; titled Nudo rosa).
A. Chastel, L’art italien, Paris, 1956, vol. II (illustrated, pl. CXXV; titled Nu).
A. Pfannstiel, Modigliani et son oeuvre: Étude critique et catalogue raisonné, Paris, 1956, p. 104, no. 152 (illustrated, pl. 48; titled Nu au divan and Nu couché (les mains derrière la tête)).
M. Garland, The Changing Face of Beauty: Four Thousand Years of Beautiful Women, London, 1957, p. 178 (illustrated).
J.A. Cartier, Modigliani: Nus, Paris, 1958 (illustrated in color, pl. 3).
A. Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani: Peintre, Milan, 1958, pp. 62-63, no. 124 (illustrated in color, pl. 124).
C. Roy, Modigliani, Geneva, 1958, p. 132 (illustrated in color, p. 82; dated circa 1917).
G. Scheiwiller, Amedeo Modigliani, Zürich, 1958 (illustrated, pl. 51; dated 1917).
F. Russoli, Modigliani, Milan, 1963 (detail illustrated in color, pl. VIII; titled Nudo rosso).
Arte italiano contemporaneo desde 1910, exh. cat., Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, 1966, pp. 48 and 108 (titled Desnudo rosa and Nudo rosa).
A. Werner, Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1968, p. 132 (illustrated in color, p. 133; titled Nu sur un cousin).
G. Diehl, Modigliani, New York, 1969, p. 92 (illustrated; dated circa 1918).
C. Géza, Modigliani, Budapest, 1969, p. 28, no. 25 (illustrated in color; titled Rózsaszínű akt).
R. van Gindertael, Modigliani e Montparnasse, Milan, 1969, p. 47 (illustrated, pl. XXI).
A. Ceroni and L. Piccioni, I dipinti di Modigliani, Milan, 1970, p. 98, no. 198 (illustrated; illustrated in color, pls. XXXVI-XXXVII; illustrated in situ at the Galerie Bing, 1925, p. 86; dated 1917 and titled Nudo sdraiato, a braccia aperte).
J. Lanthemann, Modigliani: Catalogue raisonné, Barcelona, 1970, p. 118, no. 166 (illustrated p. 204; dated 1916).
F. Cachin and A. Ceroni, Tout l’oeuvre peint de Modigliani, Paris, 1972, p. 98, no. 198 (illustrated; illustrated in color, pls. XXXVI-XXXVII; illustrated in situ at Galerie Bing & Cie., 1925, p. 86; detail illustrated in color on the dust jacket; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
R. Guttuso, Mestiere di Pittore: Scritti sull'arte e la società, Bari, 1972, p. 175 (titled Nudo).
G.C. Argan, Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts 1880-1940, Berlin, 1977 (illustrated in color, pl. LVIII; titled Liegender weiblicher Akt).
C. Mann, Modigliani, London, 1980, p. 146 (illustrated in color, no. 104; dated 1917).
Modigliani, exh. cat., Musée Saint-Georges, Liège, 1980, p. 38, no. 30 (illustrated; dated 1917 and titled Nu au divan).
B. Zurcher, Modigliani, Paris, 1980, p. 31 (illustrated in color, pl. 64; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
Dagli ori antichi agli anni Venti: Le collezioni di Riccardo Gualino, exh. cat., Galleria Sabauda, Turin, 1982, p. 28 (illustrated, p. 29; titled Nudo rosso).
Modigliani: 1884-1920, exh. cat., Centre Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona, 1983, p. 53 (illustrated in situ at the Galerie Bing, 1925).
C. Roy, Modigliani, Paris, 1985, p. 158 (illustrated in color, p. 102; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
T. Castieau-Barrielle, La vie et l'œuvre de Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1987, p. 154 (illustrated in color; dated circa 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
C. Parisot, Modigliani, Livorno, 1988, p. 138 (illustrated in color; dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosso).
A. Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani: Les nus, Düdingen/Guin, 1989, p. 80, no. 23 (illustrated in color, p. 81; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
V.B. Mann, ed., Gardens and Ghettos: The Art of Jewish Life in Italy, exh. cat., The Jewish Museum, New York, 1989, p. 180 (titled Nudo rosso (The Red Nude)).
Morandi e Milano, exh. cat., Palazzo Reale, Milan, 1990 (illustrated, fig. 4).
Amedeo Modigliani: Malerei, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, exh. cat., Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 1991, p. 221, no. 58 (illustrated in color, p. 46, pl. 6; dated 1917 and titled Akt).
C. Parisot, Modigliani: Catalogue raisonné: Peintures, dessins, aquarelles, Livorno, 1991, vol. II, pp. 318-319, no. 47/1917 (illustrated in color, p. 183; dated 1917, titled Nu couché les bras ouverts and with incorrect provenance).
O. Patani, Amedeo Modigliani: Catalogo generale dipinti, Milan, 1991, p. 216, no. 206 (illustrated in color, pp. 216-217; dated 1917, titled Nudo sdraiato a braccia aperte (Nudo rosso) and with incorrect exhibition history).
M.M. Lamberti, “Lionello Venturi e la pittura a Torino, 1919-1931” in Arte in Piemonte, Turin, 2000, no. XIV, pp. 43-45 and 333 (illustrated in color, pl. 27; dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosso).
F. Fergonzi, ed., The Mattioli Collection: Masterpieces of the Italian Avant-garde, exh. cat., Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, 2003, pp. 36, 38, 52, 60, 75 and 95 (titled Red Nude and dated 1917).
A. Masoero, B. Marconi and F. Matitti, L’officina del mago: L’artista nel suo atelier, exh. cat., Palazzo Cavour, Turin, 2003, no. XIV, p. 152 (illustrated; dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosso).
E. Braun, "The Faces of Modigliani: Identity Politics Under Fascism" in M. Klein, ed., Modigliani: Beyond the Myth, exh. cat., The Jewish Museum, New York, 2004, pp. 32 and 40 (illustrated in color, fig. 7; dated 1917 and titled Nude (Nu couché, les bras ouverts) and Nudo (Red Nude)).
C. Parisot, Amedeo Modigliani: Une vie en image, Paris, 2007, p. 210 (illustrated in color; dated 1917 and titled Nu rouge).
G. da Verona, Azyadèh, la donna pallida, Florence, 1928.
A. Pfannstiel, L’Art et la vie: Modigliani, Paris, 1929, p. 25/IV.
G. Chessa, “Per Amedeo Modigliani” in L’Arte, vol. XXXIII, no. 1, Turin, January 1930, p. 40 (illustrated, fig. 6).
G. da Verona, I promessi sposi, Milan, 1930.
L. Venturi, “The Collection of Modern Art of Signor Gualino and the Modigliani Room at the Venice Biennial Exhibition” in Formes, no. 7, July 1930 (illustrated opposite p. 9; titled Nude).
M. Guerrisi, La nuova pittura: Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Derain, De Chirico, Modigliani, Turin, 1932 (illustrated, pl. 17; titled Nudo).
G. Scheiwiller, Amedeo Modigliani, Milan, 1935 (illustrated in color; titled Nudo).
R. Huyghe, French Painting: The Contemporaries, New York, 1939 (illustrated, pl. 63; titled Nude on Divan).
P. Piovene, La raccolta Feroldi, Milan, 1942 (illustrated in color, pl. 43; titled Nudo).
Amedeo Modigliani, Jules Pascin, Chaïm Soutine, Tel Aviv, 1944 (illustrated, pl. 7; titled Nude).
C. Carrà, Artisti Moderni: con una lettra di Massimo Bontempelli, Florence, 1944, pp. 86-88.
R. Franchi, Modigliani, Florence, 1944, p. 52 (illustrated in color, pl. XXX; titled Nudo rosso).
R. Carrieri, 12 opere di Amedeo Modigliani, Milan, 1947 (illustrated in color, pl. 8; titled Nudo).
H.F. Kraus, ed., Modern Italian Painters: Campigli, Carra, Sironi, De Chirico, Modigliani, Garbari, Guidi, Marussig, De Pisis, Morandi, Englewood, New Jersey, 1947 (illustrated in color, pl. 5).
P. Piovene, La raccolta Feroldi, 2nd edition, Milan, 1947 (illustrated in color, pl. 17; titled Nudo rosso).
G. da Verona, Le canzoni di sempre e di mai di ieri e di domani, Milan, 1947.
L. Venturi, Pittura contemporanea, Milan, 1948, p. 68 (illustrated, pl. 153; dated 1918 and titled Nudo di donna).
U. Apollonio, “Amedeo Modigliani” in Cahiers d'art: Un demi-siècle d'art italien, vol. 25, no. 1, Paris, 1950 (illustrated, p. 167).
R. Carrieri, Pittura scultura d'avanguardia in Italia, Milan, 1950 (illustrated, p. 93, pl. 104; titled Nudo).
D. Cogniat, Orientations de la peinture française de David à Picasso, Nice, 1950 (illustrated, pl. 131; titled Nu).
G. Marchiori, Modigliani: Sei tavole a colori, Milan, 1950 (illustrated in color; titled Nudo).
G. Scheiwiller, Amedeo Modigliani, Milan, 1950 (illustrated, pl. 9; dated 1917 and titled Nudo).
M. Cinotti, La Femme nue par les peintres, Paris, 1951 (illustrated, pl. 43; illustrated on the cover; titled Nu au divan).
P. Descargues, Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1951 (illustrated, pl. 4; titled Nu au divan).
J. Lipchitz, Amedeo Modigliani, New York, 1952 (illustrated in color, p. 15; titled Nude on a Cushion).
M. Valsecchi, 24 dipinti in una raccolta d’arte moderna, Milan, 1952 (illustrated in color, pl. 8; titled Nudo).
R. Benet, Simbolismo, Barcelona, 1953 (illustrated, pl. 227; titled Desnudo rojo).
F. Carco, L'ami des peintres, Paris, 1953 (illustrated; titled Nu).
G. Jedlicka, Modigliani, Zürich, 1953 (illustrated in color, pl. 32).
J. Lipchitz, Modigliani, New York, 1953 (illustrated in color, pl. 10; titled Nude on a Cushion).
P. D’Ancona, Modigliani, Chagall, Soutine, Pascin: Some Aspects of Expressionism, Milan, 1954 (illustrated in color, p. 11; titled Nude).
P. Descargues, Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1954 (illustrated, pls. 4 and 54-55; dated 1917 and titled Nu au divan).
J. Lipchitz, Amedeo Modigliani, New York, 1954 (illustrated in color, pls. 33-34; titled Nude on a Cushion).
G. Castelfranco and M. Valsecchi, Pittura e scultura italiane dal 1910 al 1930, Rome, 1956, p. 96 (illustrated, pl. XCVIII; titled Nudo rosa).
A. Chastel, L’art italien, Paris, 1956, vol. II (illustrated, pl. CXXV; titled Nu).
A. Pfannstiel, Modigliani et son oeuvre: Étude critique et catalogue raisonné, Paris, 1956, p. 104, no. 152 (illustrated, pl. 48; titled Nu au divan and Nu couché (les mains derrière la tête)).
M. Garland, The Changing Face of Beauty: Four Thousand Years of Beautiful Women, London, 1957, p. 178 (illustrated).
J.A. Cartier, Modigliani: Nus, Paris, 1958 (illustrated in color, pl. 3).
A. Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani: Peintre, Milan, 1958, pp. 62-63, no. 124 (illustrated in color, pl. 124).
C. Roy, Modigliani, Geneva, 1958, p. 132 (illustrated in color, p. 82; dated circa 1917).
G. Scheiwiller, Amedeo Modigliani, Zürich, 1958 (illustrated, pl. 51; dated 1917).
F. Russoli, Modigliani, Milan, 1963 (detail illustrated in color, pl. VIII; titled Nudo rosso).
Arte italiano contemporaneo desde 1910, exh. cat., Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, 1966, pp. 48 and 108 (titled Desnudo rosa and Nudo rosa).
A. Werner, Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1968, p. 132 (illustrated in color, p. 133; titled Nu sur un cousin).
G. Diehl, Modigliani, New York, 1969, p. 92 (illustrated; dated circa 1918).
C. Géza, Modigliani, Budapest, 1969, p. 28, no. 25 (illustrated in color; titled Rózsaszínű akt).
R. van Gindertael, Modigliani e Montparnasse, Milan, 1969, p. 47 (illustrated, pl. XXI).
A. Ceroni and L. Piccioni, I dipinti di Modigliani, Milan, 1970, p. 98, no. 198 (illustrated; illustrated in color, pls. XXXVI-XXXVII; illustrated in situ at the Galerie Bing, 1925, p. 86; dated 1917 and titled Nudo sdraiato, a braccia aperte).
J. Lanthemann, Modigliani: Catalogue raisonné, Barcelona, 1970, p. 118, no. 166 (illustrated p. 204; dated 1916).
F. Cachin and A. Ceroni, Tout l’oeuvre peint de Modigliani, Paris, 1972, p. 98, no. 198 (illustrated; illustrated in color, pls. XXXVI-XXXVII; illustrated in situ at Galerie Bing & Cie., 1925, p. 86; detail illustrated in color on the dust jacket; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
R. Guttuso, Mestiere di Pittore: Scritti sull'arte e la società, Bari, 1972, p. 175 (titled Nudo).
G.C. Argan, Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts 1880-1940, Berlin, 1977 (illustrated in color, pl. LVIII; titled Liegender weiblicher Akt).
C. Mann, Modigliani, London, 1980, p. 146 (illustrated in color, no. 104; dated 1917).
Modigliani, exh. cat., Musée Saint-Georges, Liège, 1980, p. 38, no. 30 (illustrated; dated 1917 and titled Nu au divan).
B. Zurcher, Modigliani, Paris, 1980, p. 31 (illustrated in color, pl. 64; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
Dagli ori antichi agli anni Venti: Le collezioni di Riccardo Gualino, exh. cat., Galleria Sabauda, Turin, 1982, p. 28 (illustrated, p. 29; titled Nudo rosso).
Modigliani: 1884-1920, exh. cat., Centre Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona, 1983, p. 53 (illustrated in situ at the Galerie Bing, 1925).
C. Roy, Modigliani, Paris, 1985, p. 158 (illustrated in color, p. 102; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
T. Castieau-Barrielle, La vie et l'œuvre de Amedeo Modigliani, Paris, 1987, p. 154 (illustrated in color; dated circa 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
C. Parisot, Modigliani, Livorno, 1988, p. 138 (illustrated in color; dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosso).
A. Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani: Les nus, Düdingen/Guin, 1989, p. 80, no. 23 (illustrated in color, p. 81; dated 1917 and titled Nu couché, les bras ouverts).
V.B. Mann, ed., Gardens and Ghettos: The Art of Jewish Life in Italy, exh. cat., The Jewish Museum, New York, 1989, p. 180 (titled Nudo rosso (The Red Nude)).
Morandi e Milano, exh. cat., Palazzo Reale, Milan, 1990 (illustrated, fig. 4).
Amedeo Modigliani: Malerei, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, exh. cat., Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 1991, p. 221, no. 58 (illustrated in color, p. 46, pl. 6; dated 1917 and titled Akt).
C. Parisot, Modigliani: Catalogue raisonné: Peintures, dessins, aquarelles, Livorno, 1991, vol. II, pp. 318-319, no. 47/1917 (illustrated in color, p. 183; dated 1917, titled Nu couché les bras ouverts and with incorrect provenance).
O. Patani, Amedeo Modigliani: Catalogo generale dipinti, Milan, 1991, p. 216, no. 206 (illustrated in color, pp. 216-217; dated 1917, titled Nudo sdraiato a braccia aperte (Nudo rosso) and with incorrect exhibition history).
M.M. Lamberti, “Lionello Venturi e la pittura a Torino, 1919-1931” in Arte in Piemonte, Turin, 2000, no. XIV, pp. 43-45 and 333 (illustrated in color, pl. 27; dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosso).
F. Fergonzi, ed., The Mattioli Collection: Masterpieces of the Italian Avant-garde, exh. cat., Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, 2003, pp. 36, 38, 52, 60, 75 and 95 (titled Red Nude and dated 1917).
A. Masoero, B. Marconi and F. Matitti, L’officina del mago: L’artista nel suo atelier, exh. cat., Palazzo Cavour, Turin, 2003, no. XIV, p. 152 (illustrated; dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosso).
E. Braun, "The Faces of Modigliani: Identity Politics Under Fascism" in M. Klein, ed., Modigliani: Beyond the Myth, exh. cat., The Jewish Museum, New York, 2004, pp. 32 and 40 (illustrated in color, fig. 7; dated 1917 and titled Nude (Nu couché, les bras ouverts) and Nudo (Red Nude)).
C. Parisot, Amedeo Modigliani: Une vie en image, Paris, 2007, p. 210 (illustrated in color; dated 1917 and titled Nu rouge).
Paris, Galerie Bing & Cie., Modigliani, October-November 1925.
Venice, Giardini della Biennale, La XVII Biennale di Venezia, May-November 1930, no. 1265.
Budapest, Műcsarnok, Modern olasz művészeti kiállítás, January-March 1936, p. 38, no. 314 (illustrated; titled Fekvő női akt).
Galleria di Roma, Omaggio a sedici artisti italiani, 1937, no. 11 (illustrated; titled Nudo).
Brussels, Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts, Art Italien Contemporain, January-February 1950, no. 69 (illustrated).
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, Figuren uit de Italiaanse kunst na 1910, March-April 1950, no. 70 (illustrated; titled Naakt).
Paris, Musée national d’art moderne, Exposition d’Art Moderne Italien, May-June 1950, no. 50.
London, Tate Gallery, Modern Italian Art: An Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture Held Under the Auspices of The Amici di Brera and The Italian Institute, June-July 1950, p. 13, no. 63 (illustrated, pp. 62-63, pls. 8 and 9; titled Recumbent Nude).
Cleveland Museum of Art and New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Modigliani: Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture, January-June 1951, p. 52 (illustrated in color, p. 14; titled Nude on a Cushion).
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Arte moderna in una raccolta italiana, April-May 1953, no. 21 (illustrated, pl. 11; titled Grande nudo).
Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, VII Quadriennale nazionale d’arte di Roma, November 1955-April 1956, p. 58, no. 61 (dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosa).
Milan, Palazzo Reale, Mostra di Amedeo Modigliani, November-December 1958, p. 26, no. 34 (illustrated in color, pl. 34; dated 1917 and titled Nudo sdraiato).
Turin, Civica galleria d’arte moderna, Capolavori d’arte moderna nelle raccolte private, October-December 1959, p. 42, no. 24 (illustrated in color, pl. 3; titled Nudo coricato).
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Arte Moderna in Italia, 1915-1935, February-May 1967, p. XXIII, no. 446 (illustrated in color, p. 101; dated 1917 and titled Nudo disteso; on the label on the reverse, the dates of the exhibition appear as November 1966-February 1967 and the work is numbered 738).
Washington, D.C., The Phillips Collection; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts; San Francisco Museum of Art; Detroit Institute of Arts; Kansas City, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art; Boston Museum of Fine Arts and New York, Olivetti, Masters of Modern Italian Art from the Collection of Gianni Mattioli, February 1967-March 1969, no. 69 (illustrated; detail illustrated in color on the cover).
Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts; Humlebæk, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art; Hamburger Kunsthalle; Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo and Barcelona, Palacio de la Virreina, Maîtres de l'art moderne en Italie: Collection G. Mattioli, Milan, September 1969-January 1971, p. 68, no. 69 (illustrated).
Kyoto, The National Museum of Modern Art and Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art, Masters of Modern Italian Art from the Collection of Gianni Mattioli, April-July 1972, p. 126, no. 69 (illustrated, p. 77).
Tokyo, Museum of Contemporary Art, A History of Art in Italy in the Twentieth Century, September-December 2001, no. 20.
London, Royal Academy of Arts, Modigliani and His Models, July-October 2006, p. 155, no. 21 (illustrated in color, pp. 100-101; illustrated again in color as a frontispiece; dated 1917 and titled Reclining Nude with Outstretched Arms).
Venice, Giardini della Biennale, La XVII Biennale di Venezia, May-November 1930, no. 1265.
Budapest, Műcsarnok, Modern olasz művészeti kiállítás, January-March 1936, p. 38, no. 314 (illustrated; titled Fekvő női akt).
Galleria di Roma, Omaggio a sedici artisti italiani, 1937, no. 11 (illustrated; titled Nudo).
Brussels, Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts, Art Italien Contemporain, January-February 1950, no. 69 (illustrated).
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, Figuren uit de Italiaanse kunst na 1910, March-April 1950, no. 70 (illustrated; titled Naakt).
Paris, Musée national d’art moderne, Exposition d’Art Moderne Italien, May-June 1950, no. 50.
London, Tate Gallery, Modern Italian Art: An Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture Held Under the Auspices of The Amici di Brera and The Italian Institute, June-July 1950, p. 13, no. 63 (illustrated, pp. 62-63, pls. 8 and 9; titled Recumbent Nude).
Cleveland Museum of Art and New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Modigliani: Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture, January-June 1951, p. 52 (illustrated in color, p. 14; titled Nude on a Cushion).
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Arte moderna in una raccolta italiana, April-May 1953, no. 21 (illustrated, pl. 11; titled Grande nudo).
Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, VII Quadriennale nazionale d’arte di Roma, November 1955-April 1956, p. 58, no. 61 (dated 1917 and titled Nudo rosa).
Milan, Palazzo Reale, Mostra di Amedeo Modigliani, November-December 1958, p. 26, no. 34 (illustrated in color, pl. 34; dated 1917 and titled Nudo sdraiato).
Turin, Civica galleria d’arte moderna, Capolavori d’arte moderna nelle raccolte private, October-December 1959, p. 42, no. 24 (illustrated in color, pl. 3; titled Nudo coricato).
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Arte Moderna in Italia, 1915-1935, February-May 1967, p. XXIII, no. 446 (illustrated in color, p. 101; dated 1917 and titled Nudo disteso; on the label on the reverse, the dates of the exhibition appear as November 1966-February 1967 and the work is numbered 738).
Washington, D.C., The Phillips Collection; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts; San Francisco Museum of Art; Detroit Institute of Arts; Kansas City, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art; Boston Museum of Fine Arts and New York, Olivetti, Masters of Modern Italian Art from the Collection of Gianni Mattioli, February 1967-March 1969, no. 69 (illustrated; detail illustrated in color on the cover).
Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts; Humlebæk, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art; Hamburger Kunsthalle; Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo and Barcelona, Palacio de la Virreina, Maîtres de l'art moderne en Italie: Collection G. Mattioli, Milan, September 1969-January 1971, p. 68, no. 69 (illustrated).
Kyoto, The National Museum of Modern Art and Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art, Masters of Modern Italian Art from the Collection of Gianni Mattioli, April-July 1972, p. 126, no. 69 (illustrated, p. 77).
Tokyo, Museum of Contemporary Art, A History of Art in Italy in the Twentieth Century, September-December 2001, no. 20.
London, Royal Academy of Arts, Modigliani and His Models, July-October 2006, p. 155, no. 21 (illustrated in color, pp. 100-101; illustrated again in color as a frontispiece; dated 1917 and titled Reclining Nude with Outstretched Arms).
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Ana Maria Celis