Drawn by the Senses

Drawn by the Senses

Sale Overview

Total: HK$69,875,000 / US$9,055,800 / €7,294,950 / £5,792,638

"A Highly Important Imperial Embroidered Silk THANGKA set a world auction record for any Chinese work of art sold at an international auction house. The tense bidding had everyone in the saleroom captivated and the magnificent piece was eventually acquired by Mr Liu Yiqian, for his Long Museum in Shanghai. Drawn By The Senses sale saw rare Vietnamese incense wood formations achieving strong results, signaling collectors’ willingness to engage in new categories. Ceramics of the finest quality from kilns in southern China are gaining international recognition from collectors, especially those pieces with potters' marks. The rare Dehua figure of a standing damo set a new world auction record for Dehua ceramics," said Chi Fan Tsang, Vice President of Christie's Asia and Head of Christie's Hong Kong Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art Department.

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