English Pottery and Chinese Export Art

English Pottery and Chinese Export Art

Sale Overview

Over 50 lots of English pottery in the 10:00 am session include a selection of early English saltglazed stoneware, redware, and creamware collected by William Burton Goodwin in the 1920s and 30s.  Also offered will be early 18th century English delft from the collection of Benjamin F. Edwards III.

110 lots of Chinese export art will be offered in the afternoon session of the sale at 2:00 pm.  Included will be China Trade paintings, lacquer, fans and a wide array of export porcelain, such as large famille rose “country house” porcelains, armorial wares including a group made for Louis XV of France, rare European subject pieces including punchbowls, rare American market examples made for George Washington, Martha Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and three large dinner services.

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