L'Art du Luxe: Masterpieces of French Furniture

Sale Overview
L’Art du Luxe: Masterpieces of French Furniture is a private collection assembled with an eye for the very best, with furniture and works of art chosen for their jewel-like detailing and historic provenances. The rich history of so many of the pieces is captivating, from sumptuous lacquer pieces supplied to the duchesse de Mazarin, to an exquisite commode by Leleu made for the court banker Micault d’Harvelay, a spectacular celadon vase from the collection of Sir Richard Wallace and a secretaire à l’antique by Carlin which passed from the hôtel de Toulouse (now the headquarters of the Banque de France) to the Château d’Eu. The collection includes all the great 18th-century French luxury craftsmen, from Boulle, cabinet-maker to Louis XIV, to the stars of the Louis XV and Louis XVI eras including BVRB, Latz, Caffiéri, Duplessis, Carlin, Weisweiler, Riesener, Roentgen — all supreme artists in their fields.
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