Old Master Paintings

Sale Overview
Christie’s Old Master Paintings sale in New York on June 6 achieved $12,574,125/£8,173,181/€10,059,300 and was 82% sold by value and 61% sold by lot.
Nicholas Hall, Co-Chairman of Old Masters & 19th Century Art, commented: “We are delighted with the world auction record of $4.6 million for Girolamo Romanino’s masterpiece, Christ Carrying the Cross, which was the top lot of the sale. A world auction record was also set for Philippe de Champaigne’s The Holy Family with a Sparrow, a painting recently rediscovered by Christie’s specialists. The eleven paintings sold by the Metropolitan Museum of Art to benefit the acquisitions fund were 100% sold and were led by Hubert Robert’s The Ruins and The Old Bridge, which realized $1,874,500. We look forward to the outstanding series of Old Masters Sales that will take place in London in July.”
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