Untitled (for Charlotte and Jim Brooks) 2
Dan Flavin (1933-1996)
Untitled (for Charlotte and Jim Brooks) 2
blue and red fluorsecent lights
7 x 96 x 5 in. (17.8 x 244 x 12.7 cm.)
Executed in 1964. This work is number one from an edition of five and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.
Untitled (for Charlotte and Jim Brooks) 2
blue and red fluorsecent lights
7 x 96 x 5 in. (17.8 x 244 x 12.7 cm.)
Executed in 1964. This work is number one from an edition of five and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York
Pace Wildenstein, New York
Pace Wildenstein, New York
A. Zevi, "Dan Flavin's Fluorescent Icons", L'Architettura, vol.39, nos.7-8, July-August 1993, p.568 (illustrated).
M. Stockebrand, K.W. Forster, R. Rosenbaum, M. Govan, B. Smith, M. Venezia, T. Bell, S. Morse, and D. Hickey, Light in Architecture and Art, Marfa Chinati Foundation 2002, p.121 (illustrated).
M. Stockebrand, K.W. Forster, R. Rosenbaum, M. Govan, B. Smith, M. Venezia, T. Bell, S. Morse, and D. Hickey, Light in Architecture and Art, Marfa Chinati Foundation 2002, p.121 (illustrated).
New York, The Pace Gallery, Dan Flavin: Colored Fluorescent Light 1964 and 1992, February-March 1992.