Christie’s locations
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nkelani@christiespartners.com | |
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infoasia@christies.com | |
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Rebecca Yang | |
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infoasia@christies.com | |
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Fax: +86 21 6355 1767 |
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infoasia@christies.com | |
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ssingh@christies.com | |
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chamami@christies.com | |
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Fax: +62 (0)21 7278 6282 |
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enquiryjp@christies.com | |
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Fax: +81 3 4588 8507 |
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Fax: +82 2 6410 8210 |
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enquirysg@christies.com | |
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enquirytw@christies.com | |
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Fax: +886 2 2736 4856 |
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infoasia@christies.com | |
Tel: +66 2 252 3684 |
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Bankgasse 1/ Herrengasse 17 1010 Vienna |
abaillou@christies.com | |
Tel: +43 1 533 88 12 14 |
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ACentner@christies.com | |
Tel: +32 2 512 88 30 |
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Rikke Juel Brandt | |
Representative Consultant | |
rjuelbrandt@christiespartners.com | |
Tel: +45 2612 0092 |
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Marie-Cécile Moueix | Fabienne Albertini-Cohen |
mmoueix@christiespartners.com | falbertini@christies.com |
Tel: +33 5 56 81 65 47 | Tel: +33 6 71 99 97 67 |
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Paris |
Virginie Greggory | Client Services |
BRETAGNE, PAYS DE LA LOIRE ET NORMANDIE | Christie’s Paris 9 Avenue Matignon |
vgreggory@christiespartners.com | clientservicesparis@christies.com |
Tel: +33 6 09 44 90 78 | Tel: +33 (0)1 40 76 85 85 |
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Inselstraße 26 40479 Düsseldorf |
gklemm@christies.com | |
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Tel: +49 160 96 96 16 38 | Tel: +49 892 420 9680 |
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Relenbergstraße 69 70174 Stuttgart | |
eschweizer@christies.com | |
Tel: +49 711 226 9699 |
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Roni Gilat-Baharaff | |
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rgilat-baharaff@christies.com | |
Tel: +972 3 695 0695 |
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Representative Consultant | Representative Consultant |
bpossati@christiespartners.com | aallaria@christiespartners.com |
Tel: +39 338 7154552 | Tel: +39 348 520 2974 |
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Northern Italy |
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5 Via Clerici 20121 Milano |
Representative Consultant |
cdelorenzo@christies.com | pgradi@christiespartners.com |
Tel: +39 02 303 2831 | Tel: + 39 348 31 31 021 |
Rome |
Turin |
Chiara Massimello | |
Via dei Condotti 33, 00187 Rome | Representative Consultant |
valutazioniitalia@christies.com | cmassimello@christiespartners.com |
Tel: +39 06 686 3333 | Tel: +39 347 221 1541 |
Venice |
Bianca Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga | |
Representative Consultant | |
barrivabene@christiespartners.com | |
Tel: +39 041 277 0086 |
Monaco |
Nancy Dotta | |
4 avenue des Citronniers Le Mirabel, 98000 Monte Carlo |
ndotta@christies.com | |
Tel: +377 97 97 11 00 |
Amsterdam |
Arno Verkade | |
averkade@christies.com | |
Tel: +49 211 491 5930 |
Madrid |
María García Yelo | |
Calle Núñez de Balboa nº 12 28001 Madrid |
mgarciayelo@christies.com | |
Tel: +34 915 326 627 |
Stockholm |
Claire Åhman | Louise Dyhlén |
Representative Consultant | Representative Consultant |
cahman@christies.com | ldyhlen@christiespartners.com |
Tel: +46 73 654 2891 | Tel: +46 (0) 709 369 201 |
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Zurich |
Eveline de Proyart | Jutta Nixdorf |
12, Rue du Mont-Blanc 1201 Geneva, Switzerland |
Steinwiesplatz 8032 Zürich |
edeproyart@christies.com | jnixdorf@christies.com |
Tel: +86 10 8583 1766 | Tel: +41 44 268 10 10 |
Istanbul |
Eda Kehale Argün | |
ekehaleargun@christiespartners.com | |
Tel: +90 (532) 558 7514 |
The United Kingdom & Ireland
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Client Services | Jane Blood |
Tel: +44 (0)20 7839 9060 | jblood@christies.com |
Tel: +44 (0)77 9962 3780 |
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Robert Lagneau | |
rlagneau@christies.com | |
Tel: 0131 225 4756 / 07909 720 200 |
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Client Services | |
Tel: +44 (0)20 7839 9060 |