[U.S. NAVY, COMMANDERS]. A collection of six letters of Stephen Decatur, Oliver Hazard Perry and James Barron, various dates, 1803-1833. Each letter tipped to folio sheet, with engraved portraits, bound in three-quarter dark green morocco gilt, green silk boards.
DECATUR, Stephen. ALS ("S Decatur") to Captain William Bainbridge, "U.S.S. Chesapeake," 10 September 1808, 1 page, "I have this moment arrived off the Light House of Portland. I have only time to tell you I am well and just from the region of eternal Fogs." Decatur was killed by James Barron in a duel in 1820. -- DECATUR. LS ("Stephen Decatur") to Lieut. Lewis Warrington, "U States", 19 March 1810, 1 page, an order to attend the Court Martial of John Browne on board ship -- DECATUR, Mrs. Stephen. ALS, George Town, 11 February 1830, 1 pages, requesting credit -- PERRY, Oliver H. Draft AL (unsigned), n.p., n.d., 1 page, requesting a government pension for William Spalding, "an infirm and destitute old man." -- PERRY. ALS ("O.H. Perry") to Saml. Hambleton, Erie, 15 May 1813, 1 page, PREPARATIONS FOR THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE, pointed directions for the supply of his Great Lakes fleet; three months later Perry defeated the British in the battle of Lake Erie, 10 September 1813, ("we have met the enemy, and they are ours") -- BARRON, James. ALS ("James Barron") to unknown recipient, Philadelphia, 1 January 1833, 1 page, on the ownership of a slave, "Selim was not sold to your father, he undertook to dispose of him, but could never obtain any price for him...and I never realized my expenses in bringing him to this country." (6)
DECATUR, Stephen. ALS ("S Decatur") to Captain William Bainbridge, "U.S.S. Chesapeake," 10 September 1808, 1 page, "I have this moment arrived off the Light House of Portland. I have only time to tell you I am well and just from the region of eternal Fogs." Decatur was killed by James Barron in a duel in 1820. -- DECATUR. LS ("Stephen Decatur") to Lieut. Lewis Warrington, "U States", 19 March 1810, 1 page, an order to attend the Court Martial of John Browne on board ship -- DECATUR, Mrs. Stephen. ALS, George Town, 11 February 1830, 1 pages, requesting credit -- PERRY, Oliver H. Draft AL (unsigned), n.p., n.d., 1 page, requesting a government pension for William Spalding, "an infirm and destitute old man." -- PERRY. ALS ("O.H. Perry") to Saml. Hambleton, Erie, 15 May 1813, 1 page, PREPARATIONS FOR THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE, pointed directions for the supply of his Great Lakes fleet; three months later Perry defeated the British in the battle of Lake Erie, 10 September 1813, ("we have met the enemy, and they are ours") -- BARRON, James. ALS ("James Barron") to unknown recipient, Philadelphia, 1 January 1833, 1 page, on the ownership of a slave, "Selim was not sold to your father, he undertook to dispose of him, but could never obtain any price for him...and I never realized my expenses in bringing him to this country." (6)